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Today's lesson is about phrasal verbs we use to describe relationships. Keep reading to learn how to talk about family relationships, friendships and romance.
The PDF download is at the bottom of the email.
Phrasal verbs for relationships
get on/along (with)
to have a good or friendly relationship with
Example: I love my job because I get on really well with all my colleagues.
look after
to take care of
Example: Can you look after the children while I go to the shop?
take after
to have a similar appearance or personality to a parent (or grandparent) because of DNA
Example: Wow! You really take after your dad! You look just like him!
hit it off
to have an instant connection when you meet
Example: We met on our first day of school and really hit it off! Now we're best friends.
fall out (with)
to have an argument and stop being friendly, sometimes for a short time and sometimes longer
Example: She fell out with her best friend last week and hasn't spoken to her since.
make (it) up (with)
to become friendly again after falling out
Example: I often argue with my brother but we always make it up again afterwards.
look up to
to admire or respect
Example: He's a great boss and everybody looks up to him.
look down on
to feel superior to someone else
Example: Sarah looks down on people who don't have as much education as she does.
drift apart
to gradually become less close with time
Example: They drifted apart when John moved to London.
ask out
to invite someone on a date
Example: He really likes her but he's too shy to ask her out.
go out (with)
to be in a romantic relationship with, to be dating somebody
Example: She has been going out with him for a couple of months.
(This phrasal verb can also mean to go somewhere rather than staying at home. It depends on the context. If I say “I'm going out with Peter tonight,” maybe we are just friends or maybe he’s my boyfriend and the listener can’t be sure. But “I've been going out with Peter for a couple of months” means he's my boyfriend.)
break up / split up (with)
to end a romantic relationship
Example: She's very upset because her boyfriend has just broken up with her.
break off
to end a relationship or an engagement
Example: She decided to break off their engagement because he refused to set a date for the wedding.
settle down
to start to live a more stable life, including perhaps a long-term relationship, a stable job and a permanent place to live
Example: She had lots of boyfriends when she was younger but now she wants to settle down and start a family.
cheat on
to have a secret relationship with somebody who is not your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife
Example: She found out that her husband was cheating on her.
move on
to let go of a past relationship and start a new one
Example: She found it difficult to move on and start dating again after her divorce.
Now try this gap-fill exercise. Write the correct phrasal verb in each sentence. You might have to change the grammar as well.
We used to be really close, but we've _______________ over the last few years and we don't see each other very often any more.
They had a big argument but they quickly _______________ and became friends again.
She's always been a good role model, and I really _______________ her. I want to be like her when I’m older.
It's always nice when you _______________ well with your coworkers; it makes the job so much more enjoyable.
It’s hard to believe he would _______________ his partner and jeopardise their relationship.
After years of dating, they decided it was time to _______________ and get married.
I admire how he helps his mum by _______________ his younger siblings. It's not easy being the oldest.
My parents _______________ my fiancé because he’s an actor. They wanted me to marry a doctor or a lawyer.
Why did he _______________ with his girlfriend? I thought they were really happy together.
If you like her, you should ________ her _______ on a date! The worst that can happen is she says “No”.
They used to be best friends, but they _______________ last year and now they don’t even speak to each other.
He just can't seem to stop thinking about his ex-girlfriend and keeps dwelling on the past. He needs to _______________ and start dating again.
When they first met at the party, they instantly _______________ and have been friends ever since.
I think I _______________ my mum more than my dad. We have very similar personalities.
How long has he been _______________ Sarah? I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend!
They decided it would be better to _______________ their engagement because there were too many things they didn’t agree on.
We used to be really close, but we've drifted apart over the last few years and we don't see each other very often any more.
They had a big argument but they quickly made it up and became friends again.
She's always been a good role model, and I really look up to her. I want to be like her when I’m older.
It's always nice when you get on/along well with your coworkers; it makes the job so much more enjoyable.
It’s hard to believe he would cheat on his partner and jeopardise their relationship.
After years of dating, they decided it was time to settle down and get married.
I admire how he helps his mum by looking after his younger siblings. It's not easy being the oldest.
My parents look down on my fiancé because he’s an actor. They wanted me to marry a doctor or a lawyer.
Why did he break/split up with his girlfriend? I thought they were really happy together.
If you like her, you should ask her out on a date! The worst that can happen is she says “No”.
They used to be best friends, but they fell out last year and now they don’t even speak to each other.
He just can't seem to stop thinking about his ex-girlfriend and keeps dwelling on the past. He needs to move on and start dating again.
When they first met at the party, they instantly hit it off and have been friends ever since.
I think I take after my mum more than my dad. We have very similar personalities.
How long has he been going out with Sarah? I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend!
They decided it would be better to break off their engagement because there were too many things they didn’t agree on.
Here’s the PDF download:
How many did you get right? If you have any questions, you can ask in the comments section.
See you next week!
Thank you a lot
I need lessons about these subjects in academic writting
1-fomal and informal(phrasel verbs,nouns,verbs.negative,qauntifiers)