I’m emailing a day early this week because I want to share an opportunity with you and I don’t want you to miss out!
Would you like to join a free Zoom meeting so you can practise your English speaking skills?
I’m offering members of my women’s Facebook group TWO chances to do that this week! But the only way to get the information you need for the Zoom meetings is to join the Facebook group!
So if you’re interested in a Zoom meeting for women who are learning English, click the link below to join or visit the group.
And you need to act quickly because one meeting is TODAY (Thursday) and the other is tomorrow (Friday)!
(Have you had an email almost the same as this already?! Usually, I try to send different emails to my different groups but not this week. Don’t worry. Back to normal next week!)
As you may know, I started my Facebook just for women only recently.
As you can imagine, lots of people have asked me, “Why only women?”
Well, first of all, I do have another group which is open to everyone. Nobody needs to feel left out! You can find the link at the end of this email.
But let me tell you some of my reasons for starting a women-only group.
💙 Some women are more relaxed and more confident talking and sharing with other women. This could be for many different reasons, including cultural background, past experiences and personal preferences.
💙 Some women feel safer in a group for women. Sadly, a small number of men use Facebook to approach a woman romantically. It’s nice not having to think about that in a women’s group.
💙 In a mixed group, I find that men sometimes dominate the conversation or that women are less likely to join in!
💙 In a women’s group, we can talk about topics which are of particular interest to women, share our challenges with each other, and get support from people who have had similar experiences. I think there’s something wonderful about women supporting other women!
💙 My old group is quite big now so I wanted to create a smaller group where people will hopefully feel less shy and more able to join in.
💙 It fits in with my business goals, which are all about helping women with their English and their confidence in using it.
So if you’re a woman and you’d like to join a small friendly Facebook group with other women, you can find it here. This group is FOR WOMEN ONLY.
A lot of the women in the group are professional, working women but not all of them. Some are students who are hoping to have a career in the future. And some are retired, looking after children or between jobs. It doesn’t matter! You’re all welcome!
I know some women prefer to be in a mixed group. And I know that not all of my readers are women. So if you’re interested in my other Facebook group which anyone can join, you can find it here. This group is FOR EVERYONE!
See you next week!
PS If you’re reading this too late and you’ve missed the Zoom meetings, don’t worry! There will be more! Come and join my Facebook group so you’re the first to know about future meetings!